Extended data-import & export

Almost 6 months ago, we added an interface that allows automated data import & export (see our news post). Since then, we received a lot of positive feedback from users – at the same time we received feature requests. We have taken these up and released a first major expansion of the portatour® import & export interface.

Importing data including deletion

When importing customers – both through the user interface or via the API – the new import mode “update including deletion” deletes all those customers from the portatour® database that no longer exist in the import file. Thus, it has become easier to synchronize the state in portatour® with the state of your CRM/ERP system. As usual, before each import process, a restore point is automatically created to avoid data loss. Customers added manually by the user to “my places” are never automatically deleted.

Mass updating of individual customer fields simplified

Until now, if you wanted to mass-update one field of all your customers (for instance, the annual revenue), it was necessary to provide all required fields in the import-file. Especially the address fields were needed to eventually create new customers.

Now only one key field is required and the field with the new data values. For example: the customer number (key field) and the field to update (annual revenue) are enough to import data. If the key is not found in the portatour® database of the user, the row is ignored.

Exporting data of all users in one file via API

Exporting data (customers, appointments, reports) via API was only supported on a per-user basis. This restriction has fallen. Omit the parameter “userEmail” to get the data of all users as a single file. The file contains additional columns to identify the corresponding user. Note that the amount of data grows with the number of users and the download may take several minutes to complete.